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The Hamilton Southeastern High School’s band program, including the Royal Command & Guard marching band, is exceptionally appreciative of the support from sponsors and personal donors.  Your generous support will provide many new opportunities for students in our community to develop life long skills in the performing arts, leadership, and personal character. 


There are many expenses involved in running a high quality and competitive band program. Your sponsorship will help cover costs related to training and instruction, show design, music composition, instrument acquisition and maintenance, travel for competitions, food and beverages for student events, transportation, competition registrations, uniforms, and more. 


Your contribution is not just a charitable donation, but it is also an advertising opportunity and we are excited to help promote your business during our season and throughout the school year. Without the support of individuals and businesses like you, our program could not continue to grow and flourish.  Your generosity is much appreciated and truly making a difference.

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